Parish Organizations
There are various ways parishioners can become involved in the life of their parish community. At St. Edward Parish, there are opportunities to become involved in parish life, outreach and social ministries; liturgy and music; spiritual formation and education; and parish fundraising.
Parish organizations are one example of ways individuals can dedicate their gifts of stewardship. The parish life, outreach, social ministries and parish fundraiser organizations are listed below
Parish Life, Outreach and Social Ministries
Organization | Description |
Altar Rosary Society | Members of this society enhance the experience of the liturgy by providing flowers on and around the altar and outside of the church. They clean the church for holidays and provide the cleaning of altar linens. During times of bereavement, members offer the praying of the rosary for the deceased in the funeral home. |
Baking or Preparing a Dish for Parish Functions | Parishioners have the opportunity prepare special dishes or baked goods for varying parish functions. |
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion to the Sick [Home ministers] | Extraordinary ministers of holy Communion are selected, trained and commissioned to help distribute Communion to the homebound. Training is provided, and individuals must be in 21 or older. |
Facilities Committee | This committee consists of those parishioners who work together to evaluate and schedule maintenance, as well as needed repairs to the parish buildings and grounds. |
Finance Council Member | The council members advise the pastor on the financial matters of the parish. The council meets quarterly. Members are appointed by the pastor. |
Herminie Food Pantry | This is not a parish ministry but a Westmoreland County service. St. Edward Church provides our facility as a distribution center for the local food bank. Food is distributed on the first Wednesday of the month from 9:30am to 11:00 a.m. Volunteers unload, separate and distribute food for approximately 150 families. |
Parish Office Helpers | Volunteers dedicate time to help the parish secretaries in mailings and other ways. |
Pastoral Council Member | The council members help to identify and organize the pastoral efforts of the parish. The council meets quarterly. |
Prayer Shawl Ministry | The Prayer Shawl Ministry is an ecumenical organization that began in 1998 by two women in Connecticut, where members donate their time and talents by creating hand-knitted and crocheted shawls, scarves and coverlets. This is an outreach ministry to anyone in need of comfort, or for those celebrating a joyous moment. The shawls can be used for your family and friends who may be in need of comfort after a loss or in time of stress; for recovery during an illness; for the needy or those who are alone; for prayer or meditation; for a new mom or a baptism; for a milestone birthday; for RCIA candidates or for military personnel and their families. Request forms are available on the bulletin table. Anyone who knits or crochets is invited to participate twice a month (September through April) on Wednesday afternoons from 12:30 to 2:30 pm. |
Pro-Life Committee | This committee works to keep the parishioners educated on all the issues pertaining to the pro life movement. |
St. Vincent de Paul Society | This small group of men and women provide emergency help for the poor and needy of the parish community. |
Kindness Closet | The Kindness Closet, located in the old convent building, provides free clothing items, all of which have been donated, to those who may need them. The Kindness Closet is open on Sundays from 10-11am, every first Wednesday of the month from 9-11:30am and 6-7:00pm or by appointment 412-879-0630. |
Parish Fundraisers
Fundraising Committees | There are various committees which parishioners choose to assist with. They work towards the organization and planning of fundraising events. Some events include, Golf Outing, Oldies Dance, January Ticket, Spaghetti Dinner, Pancake Breakfast, etc. |
Parish Festival | Through the cooperation of the many organizations of the parish, this family oriented event is held the fourth Sunday in July. |